
When Craig was 12, he took an aptitude test that told him, due to his choices, he should enter the field of forestry. Ok...a Forest Ranger? He did like to climb trees and go camping. Made sense, he guessed. So, heading in that direction he found himself at his first real crossroads in 11th grade with one elective class still left to fill in his class schedule. His choices, Debate or Drama. Asking his mother's advice, she told him; " In Debate you get to argue with other people and in Drama you get to pretend to be other people." Hmm...pretending sounded fun....
A lot of fun, it turned out. Having found his true purpose, and with his parents blessing, he pursued the "Theatre." Along the way, there was a BFA, Vaudeville, Shakespeare, Kafka and Chekov. Basement Fringe, 99 Seat, Regional and LORT. Maybe even some Mime. (He's not going to do it for you so don't ask.) Life was good.
In 2001, Craig made the leap to LA from Seattle, never once looking back. (Actually that's a lie, he visits his friends there often.) You can seen him on TV shows, in commercials, and in films. He also produces and directs short films, documentaries and commercials. When he's not doing any of that....he surfs, enjoys photography, and goes camping with his wife and dogs, where...occasionally, he can still be seen climbing trees.